Books on cruising the danube

River cruises on the danube reached a low point this. A journey upriver from the black sea to the black forest, nick thorpe travels its full 1,770 miles, taking in the landscape, history, and people. Metropole, a website and print magazine, offers a local take on viennese art, books, and pressing regional issues. Danube waltz recommended reading viking river cruises. Though the cities in this jaunt have changed affiliations and nations more times than youd care to count, theyre all united by the blue danube. The only major european river to flow west to east, the danube river originates in germanys black forest. The ultimate guide to river cruises where to go and who to book with. While heikells river guide is packed with historic and navigational. We chose the danube river cruise because of the cities visited and length of the cruise our first time river cruise. Unfortunately, the site that was previously recommended on ta. Purchased several books from amazon in anticipation of an upcoming cruise of the danube.

Were going on a cruise from budapest to regensburg with. Youll find itineraries that sail between passau, germany and the black sea and. Christmas cruising the danube, a liveblog this could be the most festive way we have ever experienced to celebrate the season. Also, look out for special discounts and try to book your trip when you see the sales this. We booked everything through viking and did not have to worry about. Senior friendly books touring the cruise ports book 1. Book suggestions for a cruise on the danube blog tripfiction. River cruises on the danube reached a low point this summer, but things may be looking up before booking a cruise along the danube river, consider if its the right time of year.

A thinking mans journey down the danube mark baker travel. Perfect book to orient me in place and time before cruising the danube. Cruise romantic danube discover grand cities and quaint villages on this 8day journey along the blue danube. Sea, to help me prepare to lead a cruise down the river later in the year. Danube boat cruise where to book budapest forum tripadvisor. The beautiful danube rivermaybe youre considering a cruise on the danube. Tripfiction was created to make it easy to match a location with a book, and to help you see a location through an authors eyes. Explore both sides of fascinating budapest, experience viennas imperial architecture and gracious culture, and tour riverside towns in austrias wachau valley. The opening of the book finds leigh fermor crossing the danubeat the very moment where his first volume left off. The danube is the longest river in western and central europe. Danube river cruise ships wander through scenic oldcountry villages, stop at fairytaleesque castles, medieval fortresses, churches, museums, concert halls and more to say nothing of the amazing food, wine and beer.

Book suggestions for a cruise on the danube river, from budapest to munich. Were going on a cruise from budapest to regensburg with a post cruise visit to prague and id like to get a. As with ocean cruising accommodation and meals are always included in the fare. Danube river cruise guide updated 2018 river cruise advisor. I reread an old favorite book of mine, claudio magriss danube. The gypsynesters christmas cruising the danube, a liveblog.

Danube river cruise europe itineraries fodors travel. We want to do a night boat cruise on the danube, including dinner. Cruise along the danube and you can have breakfast in bratislava, lunch in esztergom and dinner in budapest all on the same day. I doubt my friend is the only person who finds the association of cruising and serbia hard to grasp.